Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog! My hope is to pass along ideas you will enjoy using in your homes and in your lives. No, I am not Oprah, giving you life advice or Nate Berkus redoing your pantry. My point of view is more practical if not occasionally foo-foo. Decorating should be fun and you should change your decor often. My ideas and vintage finds will help you do just that. Oh, and you may get some fun personal and family stories. We are a small family but we do a lot!

Since I started my blog a couple of years ago, I find I am writing more about "ideas" for your life. Or at least, things that happen in my life! Hopefully I put a smile on your face and help you set your dinner table.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

First Look at Richmond

     If you have read, "About me" you know I am from Tennessee. Richmond,Virginia is a nice place but not my beloved Nashville. Recently life has taken me to Richmond on occasion and I am having fun exploring and searching for vintage goodies there. This is a picture of the Tobacco Row area which is truly beautiful and peaceful. 
    On my last visit, I took a ride on the Kanawha Canal. It was a typical warm muggy day there and the the boat was full.  Speaking of the boat, being a long time Southern Californian, these boats reminded me of the Jungle Cruise boats at Disneyland. The drivers were not as much fun though.
   There was lots of interesting information shared. This canal runs right through the downtown area of the city and includes white water rapids.  Originally there were four locks on the canal but only one remains today.  The water is a murky greenish brown and in some spots only twenty inches deep.
    To continue with the Disney deja vu, at one point the driver steered the boat sharply to the right then told us there was a large snapping turtle floating on top of the water.  Apparently they like to lay and wait for baby geese.  No sooner that we recovered from this excitement, he made another sudden swerve.  This time there was a muskrat swimming across our path. OK, I have never seen a live muskrat in my life, remember I am from the suburbs!
    This exciting cruise was followed by a Boston hot dog at a little spot in Shockoe Slip. By the way, we lived in Boston and I have no recollection of famous hot dogs there. Lobster rolls, yes.
     You will be hearing more about the Richmond adventures so check back often.  Next visit, I hope to tour Shirley Plantation and that should be fun for all.

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